Welcome to ErgoSumWeb.com !
This site is dedicated to the presentation of Electric Power Systems engineering fundamentals, and to the discussion of issues of current interest.In the "What is? "pages I have provided a discussion of important concepts in electric power systems engineering covering subjects such as Reactive Power, Reliability, Security, Capacity, Energy and Frequency Bias. These are terms that are used often in the literature and a review of the concepts involved should be very useful as these concepts are fundamental to a good understanding of the operation and control of electrical power systems.In the "Documents" pages I have provided material that is intented as a refresher on various topics and some of them, such as the "Energy Forms and Conversion to Electrical Energy", can be useful for group discussions especially for staff that works in the electrical power systems industry but does not have an engineering background.This website is a work in progress and some of the pages are not yet completed. I will be adding additional topics as time progresses, and I welcome suggestions from readers for additional topics. E-mail Dino at dinoporretta@ergosumweb.com.